Welcome to my website

I hope you have a good time here! :D

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    '---''(_/--'  `-'\_)  Felix Lee 
Sit back and get cozy

Hello There, I see that you are interested on this site, could I suggest the Checklist of the things that I have to do in this website. Or Buttons where I show cool websites and give a little description of them. Well you could also go to the Shower Thoughts seccion that has been added because I forgot I had that tag. Finally the shrines seccion, (The loveweb page is not finished yet)
But in the meanwhile sit back and get cozy, you just went out of the internet superhighway!

you are on MY domain now

best viewed in 16:9 computer not compatible with mobile


Here is my dragon, I found him in a old website in ruins

DescripciĆ³n de la imagen

His name is malcom and he loves to eat gravel

the ruins of the old website

Here is my button!

my very awesome button

My guestbook